
Military (Social) Justice

Implications for Progressive Activists


Social Justice Warrior?

Let's talk about Social Justice for Warriors

#SJ4W workshops, facilitated by Pew Pew HQ's Logan Isaac, introduce activists, community organizers, and social workers to the way in which principles of social justice apply to the military community. Attendees will learn how progressive principles can empower soldiers and veterans in their local communities as well as in the broader movement for justice and peace.

To bring #SJ4W to your city, scroll down to Booking and leave us your contact info. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Below is a Small sample of slides we will discuss

Book #SJ4W

Is your community ready to empower soldiers and veterans? Provide your contact info below so that we canl reach out to you with details on booking a "Military (Social) Justice" training workshop.

If you're interested in having the full #GIJustice experience by adding a #MilRights workshop as well, then please indicate that in the Message field. Be sure to also review the Expectations for Venues Agreement before clicking Submit.


Phone - (310) 969-8648

Call us with questions, we'll get back to you ASAP. 

Homebase - Washington, D.C.

Pew Pew HQ is located within the DC metropolitan area but engages in advocacy nationwide. Let us know how we can help!